Dr H: 10 years in Radio [Feat: Pandaz in da Mixxx]

Pandaz in da Mixxx
Pandaz in da Mixxx

Hey yo!

July 2009 is the 10 year anniversary of me being on the radio. So to celebrate I will be DJing with my beautiful lady Apex Beat as world acclaimed DJ Duo ‘Pandaz in da Mixxx’ at Goodbye Blue Monday this Thursday night.

Free Entry.
Friendly Pandaz.

Party entry on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=120666349902

:: Dr H

Thought Creature – You Telepathy

Thought Creature played a fucking amazing set here in Christchurch last night, TWICE! They played a sold out all age gig at the legendary Media Club with support sets from Hypercolour (MEGA_UBER_MADNESS and it was their 1st ever set), Brains (FUCKIN_WOWO_PLUS_DELUXE), and Shocking Pinks who primarily played sans-vocal versions of songs off their debut release Dance the Dance Electric, my absolute favourite SP album.  And then TC packed out Goodbye Blue Monday, smashing the collective conscious of the present party participants. GBM was so fill in fact that some punters opened the window side of stage so that the sounds could flow into the courtyard. These particularly dedicated party peeps started their own little dance floor. Mr Bass Man from TC would occassionally pass through the window to play the odd song on this newly cleared dance floor. MADNESS.

Anyways, here’s the video that the tour was in aid of. FUCKIN’ trip yo! Do it!